Sunday, February 27, 2011

2-27-2011 Morning Weigh in and Sherry and Kent's words of Wisdom

 Good Morning everyone and Thank you for Stopping by. We are so very excited about the email posted below and had to share it with all of our readers. This is from Sherry and Kent Braswell - good friends and Diamond Executives in MonaVie- Strong Christians and helping Margaret and I in our walk in faith with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This morning Margaret is at set point (she is -28 lbs and looking sooooo good. It is so true that good things come to those that are patient and love the Lord). I dropped -.8 and now and at -36.2 down to 192.2 and just 4 lbs from Goal. YES!!!
Thanks Wilber and Margaret

Good Morning MonaVie Family!

Kent & I got a very exciting call from a VERY excited David Warden last night.  He was so excited he could hardly speak!  He had just attended the packed Rex Crain event in Tulsa.  Rex Crain is a life coach.  He is a speaker at a lot of Brig’s big events and does meetings all across the country for R3Global. Rex’s first passion was baseball. Like a dream come true, he was picked up and signed by The Boston Red Sox at the age of 18. But just weeks before leaving for his second season, Rex had a spiritual encounter that altered his life's course and caused him to leave his baseball career behind and pursue the discovery of his "God idea."  Since that day, Rex has developed a confidence in the ability and willingness of God to help people and to change their lives.

David said the event was INCREDIBLE and he was so excited to buy Rex’s new book Life Lift and went to his literature table to get his autograph.  When he called me he said…”Guess WHO I just had a long, belly to belly encounter with?”  I said “who?”  Rex Crain!  “He was SO incredible Sherry.  I am so inspired and so in awe by what he just said.  As Heather & I are talking to him he paused & looked into my eyes and said…”I have never done this before at a meeting but I have to tell you that I feel compelled to pray for you right now…right at this very moment.”  As he was praying for David he told him that he saw explosive growth happening under his left leg, under a team that had been faithful and diligent.  David said he knew instantly it was his NC team…that it was YOU!  For those of you that are Christians and live by faith you know that this is confirmation from God.  When you put God first in your lives and are obedient to His word He REWARDS YOU!  For those of you who are skeptical and don’t believe or are unsure of what you believe I would say this to you…WATCH & WITNESS as the mighty hand of God works these next few months.  Your faith will grow by what YOU witness.  Kent & I have said for over a year now that 2011 is a Supernatural Year of Blessings.  This means that it is by the hand of God that we will prosper.  God is the reason!  This is the season!  God is the answer!  He is the answer to ALL that you seek!  He is going to POUR the blessings of favor on this team!  Remember the story of the fishermen in the Bible who had fished all day but had caught nothing?  Jesus told them to go back out  one more time and cast their nets on the other side.  This is what our team has done this year. After a very challenging 2010 we have gone back out.  We’ve gone back out in faith.  We’ve gone back out in obedience.  These fishermen’s boat became so overloaded with fish they could hardly hold them in their boat.  They were rewarded for their obedience.  You see my friends God wants us to have FAITH in Him.  He wants to teach us to walk by faith, not by sight.  He wants us NOT to look at our circumstances but look at what His word tells us.  His word is the ONLY truth in the world today and the path of Christ is a narrow one.  But when you walk it and are obedient to it the rewards will chase you down…you cannot contain them!

I share this with you because I want YOU to remember this day. Write it down because what you are able to witness is going to blow your mind!  God has once again confirmed this journey we are on. He is blessing this company and this team because we are putting Him firstDid you know that last week was the BIGGEST WEEK in MonaVie history?!!!  Is that awesome of what?!  God is SO, SO GOOD!  He gets ALL of the credit!  He gets all of the glory!
RVL is sweeping the country like wildfire & God has put His stamp on it!  It’s coming hard and fast to our area!!!  God’s volcano of supernatural blessings is about to erupt!  How very blessed we are to be a part of it.  We are so humbled and are so grateful!
THANK YOU so much for sharing this great journey with us.  We are just getting started!  In less than a year we will be filling coliseums with masses of people!  We believe it!  We serve a HUGE GOD…a God that is master of the universe…He is omnipotent and has NO limits!  As long as we put Him first and as Rex Crain said…focus on the outcome and not the income God will pour his favor out on us.  Remember, our ultimate goal is to LOVE people and bring them into His kingdom.  Your eternal life and the eternal lives of those you love is what matters most. 

David also told us that the Fab 5 promo is a HUGE, HUGE SUCCESS!!!  IT WORKS!!!   Tulsa Blue Diamonds Tim & Emily Wilson said that everyone they have given one to has signed up!  If you haven’t made your bags yet you need to get movin’ because there are people out there who desperately need RVL!   There are people out there that God has called YOU to speak to…has called YOU to deliver His message of hope, health & prosperity to.

The bottom line is this team…this COMPANY, this TEAM, & YOU are BLESSED!  We are blessed & highly favored!  You are about to witness the blessings of God like you have never seen!  Please make sure you are giving THANKS each day for what is already happening in the spiritual realm and is getting ready to show itself in the natural realm.  You see the way God works is the exact opposite of the way the world works.  In God’s economy you must BELIEVE it before you can SEE it.  By SPEAKING it you bring it to you from the spiritual world into the natural world.  This is WHY we are always talking to you about the importance of your WORDS…the importance of speaking love, properity and success into your life. As Paula White says…your mouth is a supernatural instrument for God.  Your words create your world!  God has a storehouse of blessings waiting for YOU but He can’t release them when your words do not align with His plan for your life. You gotta SPEAK it to RECEIVE it!  Kent & I have been SPEAKING it into YOUR lives!  For believers and nonbelievers we cover you with His blood.  We cover you with his favour.

As God blesses your business please remember to GIVE BACK.  God will not continue to give TO us what He can’t move THROUGH US.  We must give to the MORE Project, we must make sure we are blessing God with our first fruits.  When you honor God with the first 10% of your income He will multiply the other 90%.  Believe me…He can do more with your 10% than you can do with your entire 100%!  (Click for Kids is a great program…check it out)

I want you to go out today with a BIG, BIG SMILE on your face and when people ask you WHY you’re in such a great mood YOU TELL THEM…IT IS GOD!!!  God is blessing me!  He is showering me with His love and blessings!  You see… people will WANT THAT!  People today want to be around happy, excited people!  We as Christians are supposed to be the LIGHT of the world.  We are supposed to bring people to Christ through our positive attitudes and loving spirits!  YOU have EVERYTHING in the world to be HAPPY about today!  God has confirmed that we are in His will and are getting ready to experience a MASSIVE EXPLOSION!!!  WOO…HOOOOO!!!!!

I leave you this morning with great LOVE in my heart for YOU. Regardless of where you are at on your spiritual journey we want you to know that God loves YOU!   We love YOU!  We are here for YOU!  We are a phone call away. 
God Bless You dear friends!  There is no other team in the world we would rather be taking this amazing journey with! 
THANK YOU for your prayers this week for John’s family. The outpouring of love and support is so appreciated!

Have a wonderful day!  God Bless You!!!
