Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Word to Live by for 7-13-2011

This is from Sherry Braswell-

Believe in Yourself…

Before you can achieve your full potential in life and before you can discover what the vision God has for your life you have to find a firm foundation on which to build your self-worth.  Your self worth cannot be determined by what you do, what you possess, your education, your socioeconomic status…it can be none of that.  Your self worth has to be determined by what God says about you.  Just as your beliefs can move you forward in life your “shadow beliefs” can hold you back.  What are “shadow beliefs”?   That’s the little voice in your head whispering to you that you’re not worthy, not able, and that you’ll never make it.  What are your “shadow beliefs”?  Today, I challenge you to bring them out into the open and expose them to God’s Word.  They are NOT true!  Do not allow them to determine your future and control your life.  Refuse to speak them out loud if they contradict what God says about you.  When you speak these shadow beliefs you speak death over your dreams and they will not come to life.

“He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.” (Eph 1:4).  That scripture right there sums it up!  Even if nobody on this planet has ever valued you or showed you love in any way, this verse shatters this myth of rejection and unworthiness…God chose YOU!  You are not a mistake, you were hand-crafted by God and called for a very special purpose on this earth!  He only made ONE of YOU!  Look at your fingerprint…there are 6.7 billion people on this planet and no one has this one but YOU!  God has precut you to fill a particular purpose on this planet that no one else could fill!  YOU ARE SO SPECIAL! YOU WERE SELECTED! That is the TRUTH!  Not those lies that are being whispered in your ear!  I always tell my daughters to listen to their heart…that is where God lives.

Don’t try to be like somebody else…be yourself!  Be the YOU that God designed YOU to be!  Think about it this way…regardless of what you like or dislike about yourself, you must be okay because God chose you…he doesn’t make mistakes!  Stop doubting yourself and competing with other people.  Nobody can take or stop what God has planned for you.  You have a choice today…you can let other people determine your self worth or you can let God.
God planned you, he saw you, he counted every hair on your head, he knew the specific purpose you were designed to fulfill and he gave you the gifts you would need.  He is so proud of YOU!  
Can you say these things about yourself?  You need to!  You need to get in agreement with your Father, because other people treat you according to how you treat yourself.  If you don’t like the way people respond to you, stop and ask yourself…”what message am I sending to others?  If you want to be treated well, you have to send a positive message that says…”I’m somebody because God made me somebody and I feel good about me.”
It’s that inner strength that makes you attractive when you walk into a room and causes others to say…”Who is that”…”There’s something different about that person.”  It’s not because of how you look but because of the way you carry yourself…your presence has an impact. It’s not pride, it’s just healthy self-esteem based on God’s opinion of you.  Jentezen Franklin calls it “God-esteem.”  When you have it, it affects how you talk to people, how you pray, how you run your business, and how you live your day to day life.  With health God-esteem you can take the rejection, you can take the “no’s”, you can press on with a positive outlook each day because you know that you value does not come from people…it comes from God. 

Sometimes God has to reduce us to deliver us…he has to diminish us to elevate us.  Our struggling economy is a great example of this.  When an individual or a country is being diminished numerically, it’s because God is driving us back to our source.  It may seem like you’re being diminished in some way in your life right now.  If you are… consider it a blessing because there is no greater or safer place than to be in God’s arms…in the center of His will for your life…even if it is an uncomfortable place.   “That place is called the place of Blessed Subtractions.”  That’s when he diminishes us so he can build our faith up in Him.  Many people in the roaring 80’s & 90’s placed their faith in their finances.  Although it was great to have a booming economy that was never where our strength was in the first place.
God has always been the strength of the US.  Many folks now realize that and will rebuild their finances but this time will build their financial house on a solid and firm foundation.  When you build your life and your business on the rock of God no man can ever tear it down!  How awesome is that!!!!  Look at Brig Hart’s business!  He promoted to Double Crowne Black Diamond last year…worst year in the economy since the Great Depression!  He’s not working in man’s economy but God’s economy!!! 

Get rid of that “stinkin thinking” today…this small minded thinking that says…”Who am I to do anything great…”I’m just a nobody in life, I’m defeated, nobody wants to talk to me, I’m not supertalented, I’m just average…blah, blah, blah!!!  Stop speaking that rubbish!!!  That’s a self-defeating attitude!  The devil’s only hope is that you stay stuck in this land of negative talk so you will NOT respond to God’s calling for you life.  YOU ARE IMPORTANT & YOU ARE HERE TO DO IMPORTANT THINGS!  Believe that you can!  Build that business, birth that dream!  If you can believe it, you can do it!  And don’t ever quit!  This is no time to have a pity party and get discouraged…you don’t have time for that!  This is a time to ask God to show you who you really are and what you’re capable of & then go & DO IT!

If you’ve gone through a setback like so many of us today and you feel broken…you need to trust God, pick yourself back up and praise Him.  When you go though a breaking experience… a divorce, a sickness, a job loss, a financial setback and you still maintain your vision and your faith WATCH OUT…you are getting ready to be blessed!  It is then that you will take hold of your POWER and the blessings will be poured out of Heaven for you!
I know this is true team because for years and years I put my faith in all the wrong things…I built my house on a sandy foundation and when tested it was blown away.  Today, we have built our house on solid ground and through YOU we will change millions of lives.  Start building your God-esteem today!  He has a great life planned for YOU!!!

We love you!  Have a great day!
