Friday, July 22, 2011

Creflo Dollar this Morning in Raleigh NC

The is a reprint of an email I received from Kent and
Sherry Braswell-they are dear friends and want the best for everyone they meet- I Trust this will open new paths for you and yours. Wilber and Margaret

WOW!!!  Kent & I just returned from seeing Pastor Creflo Dollar at the Raleigh Convention Center this morning!!!  What an incredible way to end the week!  I simply have NO words to describe the experience!  It was beyond AMAZING!!!  We are filled up the brim with hope, passion & belief!  Our cups are overflowing because faith looks upward and outward!  He has a session tonight @ 7pm…we strongly encourage YOU to go!  The message is SO incredibly powerful! 

We share this with you this am because we love you!  We know the foundation for all success, peace & prosperity in your business & personal relationships is based on YOUR relationship with God.  He is the solid & sustainable rock that we build our fortress of life upon.  Without Him, the storms of life will easily blow us down & wash us away.

His message is on The Law of Honor and how it works in YOUR life.  Yes!  There is a law that governs honor.  It says…if you honor God, God will honor you.  A law is an established principle that works the same way every time.  What is Honor?  Honor means to carry weight; to weigh in.  To honor God you must honor His word.  To honor God means that His word will carry more weight than any circumstances or opinion in your life.  Nothing else anyone says will influence you more than God’s word.  How much weight does God’s word carry in your life?  How heavy is the word of God in the daily activities of your life?  Life is a series of decisions.  How much weight is God’s word in the decisions YOU make?  

Creflo says to look at where YOU are right now in your life.  YOU are where you are for a reason…nothing just happens!  What images & words are you allowing into your mind?  These words & images produces the way you think, and the way you think determines the way you feel and the way you feel determines your actions and your actions determine your habits and your habits determine your character and your character determines your destination.  SO…if you don’t like where you are in life the GOOD NEWS is YOU can CHANGE IT!  You do so by changing what you read, what you watch & who you listen to. If you want your destination to change you MUST allow God’s word to carry weight in the decisions you make each day…this is honoring God!  You must allow God’s word to carry more weight than the pain, the betrayal, the hurt & the bitterness in your life.
You see… every obstacle you face is designed by Satan to keep you from God’s will for your life so you will stay poor, broke & depressed!  To achieve God’s will for your life you must read the Bible!  Think about it…every time you buy a new TV, a new cell phone, a new appliance there is an instruction manual enclosed.  The Bible is God’s instruction manual for living an abundant & joyful life.  I can’t tell you how many people have told Kent & I how much their life has changed by simply reading the Bible each day.  It’s time for this world to experience genuine authentic power that can only be found in the word of God.

If you honor God he will honor you with what?  In John 5:44 God calls this the “blessing.”  The “blessing” is an empowerment to have success in EVERY area of your life.  Honor is what keeps the blessing working in your life.  The blessing of God will produce physical manifestations of its working.
Creflo says…try it & invite people to watch as God blesses your life.  It has certainly for this great country we live in today.  The US became the greatest country the world has ever known in less than 200 short years because our forefathers practiced the Law of Honor.  MonaVie has become the #1 nutritional company in the world because they understand the Law of Honor.  Brig Hart is the #1 networker in the world because he understands the Law of Honor.  See a pattern here?
Some skeptics might say…so what does honoring God & reading the Bible have to do with my financial prosperity & the ability to pay my bills?  EVERYTHING!!!  Success and failure is based on honor & dishonor.  What happens to a person who only regards the world’s system and walks in dishonor to God?  Prayers are not answered & in Psalm 13:13 it says that “he who despises the word shall be destroyed.” 
In 1 Samuel 2:30 God promises “Those who honor Me I will honor them.  Those that despise me will be lightly esteemed.”

It is also important to understand this... when we do what God tells us only when its convenient for us or it doesn’t cost us anything there is NO honor in it.  We must be willing to pay a price to honor God.  Yes, it might mean getting up 15 minutes earlier in the am to read your Bible, it might mean forgiving someone who has hurt you, it might mean going out of your way to show kindness to someone.  Are you willing to pay the price to honor God?
Many people today pay God lip service but are not honoring God with their hearts.  Creflo says…show me your checkbook and your calendar & I will show you your heart! I will show you what you treasure. WOW!!!  Those words pierced the crowd like a sharp knife into melted butter!  “Show me your money and where you invest your time & I’ll show you what you value.”  Where do you spend your time?  Where do you spend your money? Once you answer those two questions you will find your HEART!  (Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is there will be your heart also.)
The bottom line is this…if God’s Words carries weight in your life and you carry them out and then you pray your words carry weight in Heaven and He will carry them out.

Regardless of what’s happening in our country right now with our struggling economy the GOOD NEWS is this… God will honor those who honor Him!  God will give to YOU what He can trust to work THROUGH YOU!  Selfishness to self must first die and you must look outward & not inward.  God’s blessings are about to pour out to all those who honor Him. 

Kent & I have believed from the beginning of our MonaVie journey that God had placed us here for a reason…a divine reason.  That has not changed!  We also knew that our journey would come with  a price…obstacles, failures & disappointments that would refine us as gold is refined in the fire.  But we also knew that if we continued to keep our vision in front of us, climbed the mountain with faith & steadfastness & were obedient to God’s word & his assignment for us that He would reward our diligence.  And rewarded us HE HAS!  We have made some of the best friendships in the world through this business…we have incredible people like YOU in our lives for which we are SO thankful for!  Doors of opportunity & prosperity are being opened for YOU and this team!  And the incredible blessing that the Women of MonaVie Bible Study has been in our lives I cannot express in mere words!  Lives are being renewed, transformed & changed!  These faithful women are praying for YOU each day & I am in awe of what God is doing on this team & in the lives of so many of you!

We love you!  We will see you very soon!


(FYI…spoke with David yesterday...he’s back from Hong Kong & SO excited!  He is giving me a date to put on the calendar for our August meeting this evening).