We are having Shake-It Parties at our home (508 W. Hampton Ave Sumter-803-468-6482) most every Saturday, so that leaves Mon through Friday open-call and let us book your Shake It Party.
Thanks Wilber and Margaret
Calling ALL Stay at Home Moms!
by sbraswell on Jan.14, 2011, under Health and Wellness
God has placed something on my heart to share with you. Kent & I were at a meeting this week and I met a lady that really touched my heart. She has small three children and believes strongly in sending them to a Christian School. Two currently attend the school and the third will be attending Kindergarten in the fall. Until recently she was able to stay at home with her children. Unfortunately, now because of these tough economic times & the rising cost of tuition for 3 children she has been forced to go back to work. As I heard her story and tears began to roll down her cheeks I thought to myself…We have the answer! There are SO many stay at home moms today that are torn. They love staying home with their children. They love being there when there kids get off the bus. They love investing that quality time that we only get once. Our children grow up so incredibly fast and that time with them when they are small is so precious.
Today, the economy is forcing many women to go back into the workforce. Financially, many of them simply have NO choice. Or so they think they have no choice. They simply don’t know that there is a GREAT and wonderful option out there for them that is PERFECT for stay at home moms. Up until MonaVie I had never been a stay at home mom and I must tell you…I LIKE IT! I never thought I would. I had always been a career woman & thought I needed a “job” to fulfill me. I mistakenly thought that the only way to earn income was to work outside the home and be stressed to the gills! Then along came MonaVie! With MonaVie I can have BOTH! I can provide for my family & spend that precious time with my children! I can put my children and husband first and still make a great living! I used to feel so guilty when I left Kaeli with a nanny. I would leave early in the am and come home late that evening. And once I got home I was tired and cranky because I had been around a bunch of grouchy, discontented people all day. Often I brought that home to my family.
If you’re a woman with a family I know that you understand what I’m saying. It is hard trying to juggle all of the balls. As women we’re expected to wear a lot of different hats and it is stressful and often produces a lot of guilt in our lives as we never feel like we measure up. It is a tough balancing act. I really feel like God has placed in on my heart to share this message of HEALTH & OPPORTUNITY with stay at home moms. I really feel if they only knew what was possible for them they would be knocking down our doors to be involved! Remember, you are NOT the message! You are the MESSENGER!
I have recently met a wonderful stay at home mom through MonaVie. She has had an amazing story with (M)mun and is a wonderful lady! She used to be a critical care nurse and now has 3 small boys and is a stay at home mom. She is SO excited about the business because she LOVES helping people & she can work the business around her family! She knew that she wanted to do something but she just didn’t know what. She knew one thing for sure…she didn’t want to go back to her nursing career. Now she can help supplement her husband’s hard earned income and fulfill her need to help others. It is such a WIN-WIN for everyone! No stress to bring home to the family from a “job”! Plus, you meet the most wonderful people and have an opportunity to sew into their lives!
So, if you know any STAY AT HOME moms…CALL THEM TODAY! They need to hear that there is an ANSWER out there! It’s called MONAVIE!!!
Make sure you get your SHAKE IT PARTIES BOOKED this month!!! January is the month of new resolutions & better health!
Have a great day!