Thursday, February 10, 2011

Repost from Sherry Braswell's Blog

Step out of the Boat…

by sbraswell on Feb.08, 2011, under Inspiration and Motivation
 Get out of the boat…take ACTION!  Don’t miss God’s plan for your life because you are afraid to take action.  Robert Kiyosaki said the one thing he learned from being in Vietnam was to ACT!  God puts “faith” in all of us but we must “release” it.  To release your faith you must step out of the boat!  You can kill your dreams by “overthinking” them!  Don’t get caught in the deadly analysis by paralysis trap…just MOVE!  Remember the story of David & Goliath in the Bible?  David wisely DID NOT LISTEN to his negative friends when they said Goliath was too big to kill…he RAN quickly to the battleline…while speaking words of victory…he knew that Goliath was too big to MISS!
If you stay in the boat you’re in you’ll be miserable.  God shows up when YOU get OUT of the boat!  He doesn’t get in the boat with you.  The only way for God to do something supernatural in your life is for YOU to take a chance and get out of the boat.  FEAR does NOT come from God…it comes from Satan.  And Satan wants nothing more than for your fear to paralyze you and keep you from your destiny.  YES…you will have to get out of your comfort zone…you can’t be comfortable & GROW!
But once you step out & see that it wasn’t that hard…your CONFIDENCE soars! The thought of picking up that phone is so much worse than actually DOING it!  When your confidence and your God esteem (not self esteem) increase your faith increases & you release God’s supernatural power into your life…& THIS is when you really start to see positive growth & change in your life! 
Step out TODAY & do BOLD THINGS!  ITS that person that you have been putting off.  Call that person that you have been afraid to call!  JUST DO IT!  Don’t think it to death…just ACT!  Fear is always gonna come against you.  You must TALK back to it by saying OUT LOUD…”I will NOT fear…I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. I cast out fear in Jesus’ name.”
 What is the boat you need to step out of?  Maybe it’s a boat of your past.  Maybe there is stuff buried so deep down in your heart that you have never told anyone.  You need to GET IT OUT OF YOU!  The Bible tells us to “confess our faults to one another that we may be healed.”  Anything you have to hide has power over you!  Get it up and get it out of you!  Maybe your boat is someone you crave approval from.  You need to confront whatever it is that is holding us back…whatever it is that you are afraid of.  God has given YOU His power so YOU can do things that are hard to do.  Notice I said…HIS power…not YOURS!  If you’re been trying to do it on your own…forget it…you can’t!  I tried that approach for years & years…believe me…it doesn’t work!
 Peter was the only disciple with enough courage to get out of the boat when Jesus instructed.  He chose to ACT & trust Jesus as opposed to being passive and indecisive.  So many people simply choose NOT to make a decision not realizing that “indecision” is a decision!  It’s seems easy to stay safe and not take any chances in life or not make any real decisions.  This is LIE that the devil would have you believe. But staying safe is actually the risky route. Courage & faith are the SAFE decisions…they are the ACTIONS that will set you free & give you happiness & peace.  Get a littleFIRE in you!  You are the ONLY ONE who can do anything about your life! Take some responsibility for your own joy!  Don’t get so caught up in what other people think.  Robert Kiyosaki said you will never been successful in ANYTHING in life if you have to have other people’s approval!  Who careswhat they think? The only opinion who truly matters is God’s & He says YOU ROCK!!! You are His creation & YOU are wonderful in His eyes!  My attitude is this…I know who I am in Christ…I know my heart is pure and seeks to help people.  If others don’t see that it’s there problem…not mine!  I move on to the next person who is ready to “receive” what I have to “give.”
 God has placed the POWER of the universe inside YOU!  YES…YOU!  He is just waiting for you to realize it!  Meditate on statement today…”I can do whatever I need to do through Christ whostrengthens me.” Don’t just read it, don’t just say it once…MEDITATE on it!  Meditation turns information into REVELATION!  This is the deal my friends…people and situations WILL disappoint you.  That’s just a fact.  You will disappoint people and they will disappoint you!  We are human!  We make mistakes!  We are born into a fleshly body that craves me, me, me!  Don’t hold grudges, forgive quickly and easily just as God forgives YOU everyday!   Don’t put your FAITH in people…put your FAITH in God!  He will send you the right people at the right time for your business if you persevere and don’t give up!  Once you accept this and are convinced of it you’ll be FREE!!!  Stop asking “why” and just know that He can turn all things around for your good if you’ll keep your mouth positive and in line with His word.  With Him YOU can do anything you need to do!
 Now…get out of that boat & take ACTION!!!  Kent & I BELIEVE in YOU!  You are in business for yourself but not by yourself!  You have a whole family of people who support you, who believe in you & will help YOU to reach all of your dreams and goals!
 Have a great day!  We love you!  We look forward to seeing you at our next big meeting onThursday, Feb. 17th  @ 7:30 at the Brownstone Hotel in Raleigh!  Let’s take some ACTION & pack the house!